Bahati Coffee exists to connect good coffee with good fortune.

The Bahati Coffee Co-Op is a group of farmers in Nakuru County producing some of the world best Kenyan Arabica Beans.

What started as a dream for social and economic independence is growing into the country’s foremost producer of high quality coffee beans. Planted in prime season and harvested at their peak, Bahati Coffee Producers maintain a commitment to farming principles that produce sustainable produce growth, while changing the lives of hardworking farmers in the Nakuru County region.


Bahati Coffee is a growing movement of independent coffee farmers uniting to better their lives, their region, and your day through the gift of premium coffee.

Each bag you buy guarantees a couple of things: a great cup of premium coffee, and the chance for farmers to change the future for themselves and their region. Through hard work and innovation, the Bahati Coffee Co-Op is reviving the economy and restoring the respect and dignity of the Bahati Valley.

Our Commitment

  • Fair Wages

    Because we control the production from farming, roasting, grinding, and bagging, Bahati Co-Op farmers are paid more, on average, than others. We commit to increasing pay as we increase production.

  • Equity and Access

    Bahati Coffee Co-Op actively recruits women, families, and differently-abled people to provide opportunities for economic empowerment. We commit to training, teaching, and providing more ways for farmers in the region to becoming economically self-sustaining.

  • Environmental Sustainability

    The farming practices employed by Bahati Co-Op farmers are intended to have a positive impact on the land. We commit to ongoing research and innovation to increase supply while decreasing our carbon footprint.